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WARNING:Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical.-Health Canada

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Model: HD285
7mm thick glassHeight: 14 inches50x7mm glass tube3-D Hand Painting..
Model: OG57
Recycler  Height:14.5 inches  Thickness: 5 mmBase diameter:4.7 inches14MM female joint..
Model: WP275
Height: 14.5 inchesthickness:50*5mm with ice cathershowerhead perc          blue,green,pale green,grey and pink..
Model: PHX562
Height: 14.5 inchesThickness: 5 mmFreezable coilwith phoenix logowith 7 arms tree perc..
Model: PHX426
14mm 18mmwhite,black,green,and blue,all are available..
Model: PHX530
Height: 15 inchesThickness: 5 mmFreezable coilwith phoenix logodouble 11 arms tree percsJoint Size:14.4 mm..
Model: SP115
Height: 15 inchesshowerhead percwith GRACE LOGO THICKEN BASE     ..
Model: PHX557
Height: 15 inches, 65*5mm glass                   perc 1:diff user ball  percperc 2: Inline Diffused percmilk green/milk purple/blue/pink..
Model: PHX541
Height: 15 inchesThickness: 5 mmFreezable coilwith phoenix logowith 6 arms tree percand a 6 arms downstem..
Model: PHX543
Height: 15 inches,                 perc 1:6 arms percperc 2: horizontal 3 arms perc14.4 mm joint sizemixed colors..
Model: PHX449
Height: 15 inchesThickness: 5 mmBase diameter:5 inches Freezable coil welded 8 tree perkJoint Size:18.8 mm                  three different colors   ..
Model: PHX620
Height: 16 inchesthickness:50*5mm 8 arm tree percand triple honeycomb percsmilk purplemilk greenmilk bluemilk pinkwith  24K gold line..
Showing 109 to 120 of 392 (33 Pages)